
    Full registration for a participant with a paper to be published in the proceedings USD 500 CNY 3600
    Partial registration for an additional participant with a fully registered paper to be published in the proceedings USD 250 CNY1800
    Partial registration for a participant without any paper to be published in the proceedings USD 250 CNY1800
  • Pay USD via Paypal

    Online Payment by Paypal

    Please enter your Paper ID, Email, Attendee Name and Organization in the textbox and click the "Add to Cart" buttons below. And these information will be also used for generating the receipt. In addition, please send these information to with the proof of payment as the attachment.

    Full registration for a participant with a paper to be published in the proceedings: USD 500
    Paper ID, Email
    Attendee Name, Organization
    Partial registration for an additional participant with a fully registered paper to be published in the proceedings: USD 250


    Partial registration for a participant without any paper to be published in the proceedings: USD 250

    Attendee Name, Organization

For any problems with respect to PayPal registration, please contact Registration Chair (Prof. Gu) at, tel: (86) 17898801984.

Authors from mainland China are suggested to pay the registration fee with RMB. Please click here for the information in Chinese.