
呼伦贝尔凯景嘉华酒店 (Kaijing Ka Wah Hotel )

网址 (website):

房价: 标准间580元每晚 (含早餐)。

Price: 580 RMB per standard room/night (breakfast included).

预定方式: 发短信或微信至酒店销售经理康艳梅 (电话&微信号: 15204934666)。短信或微信请注明ICIST2019, 入住日期, 退房日期, 入住天数, 房型, 入住人姓名, 并附上转账凭证。全部房费转账至酒店。

Reservation method: Send message to sales manager Miss Yanmei Kang (Phone number & Wechat ID: 15204934666). Following information should be included in the message with the title of "ICIST2019": check-in date, check-out date, number of nights, room type, names of guests, transfer voucher. Room charge should be transfered to the Hotel's account.

单位名称: 呼伦贝尔市凯景嘉华酒店有限责任公司
电话: 0470-8110022
地址: 呼伦贝尔市海拉尔区巴彦托海路西侧凯景花园小区1号楼
纳税识别号: 91150700318592720K
开户行: 中国银行股份有限公司呼伦贝尔市古城支行
账号: 150837925242

附言: 入住人姓名

Transfer details:
Company name: Hulunbuir Kaijing Ka Wah hotel limited liability company
Tel: 0470-8110022
Adress: #1 building of Kaijing Garden, Bayan Tuohai Road, Hailar District, Hulunbuir
Tax identification number: 91150700318592720K
Bank: Hulunbuir Gucheng branch of Bank of China Limited
Account: 150837925242
Remark: guests' names


Room cancellation policy:
Cancellation fee will be charged after 18 July.
%50 of room fee will be charged during 19 July-25 July.
Room charges are nonrefundable after 25 July.